Monday, November 28, 2011


Another beautiful sunrise!  It's 6:30 a.m., .......but only 4:40 a.m. in Texas!  I hope all those deer hunters realize I beat them up with no alarm!  I'm on California time from now til dark!   There's water all over my rig!  Soap, too!  At first I thought it was raining, but a quick check revealed that Seann was washing my rig!  What a warm "Welcome" to get your RV washed and get all the snow, mud, and desert dirt off of your cozy little home on wheels! 

Seann is from Canada, and has been on our RV-Singles list for a long time.  He and I have similar political view points much of the time and enjoy the banter back and forth.  As a Canadian, he is in 'fine tune' with what's happening in the U.S. political arena, and sends me great jokes!  

I have a new "Motto" about our economy and my lifestyle, so I had a sign made and stuck it in the front window in front of Magee's seat, and put our  'sign' on the driver's side, just in case someone recognizes my rig and will stop by!

Seann just pulled up in his pretty blue truck with all his power equipment, and welcomed us to the Slabs in a fabulous way!   Thanks so much Seann!   I am so proud to have a clean 'house' for the trip!

I am already wishing I could just turn around and go back!   But when I get my credit card statement, I'm sure I'll work harder to contain my need for instant gratification!  LOL

I was so proud to see my clean rig!

CLEAN!  Now we can get our 'camp' all set up again! 

On our first full day, we spent time getting a (little) bit organized, although there's little time for such trivia when there are other (more important) things to do!   We took 'tours' and considered our options every day, trying our best to decide exactly how to dedicate our precious time!  

Chili Bob took us on a 'tour' of the area ........ the 1st trip to go 'see' what's happening!   He has a 'toad' (towed car behind his motor home) that worked great because it will go anywhere, ..... and we did!
Chili Bob took us down roads we had never seen before!

He also took us places ....... up hills where you couldn't 'see' where 'down' was going to begin when you reached the top!

He took us through gullies where we wondered if we would be able to climb back out again!
It would have been easy to see me quickly putting on my seat belt, unconsciously gripping my camera as if it might fly out of my hand, and making a few funny little guttural, muttering noises as if to say, "Oh, please be careful!"

But we were 'in the hands' of an experienced, excellent driver, and we emerged healthy and happy, full of tales to tell, and already planning to 'ride the same route again' to take more photos!!

By now, I hope to have shared a sense of how much camaraderie there is between the people I knew I would be meeting, and that Magee and I knew we would be in a group of people who could be trusted and would be truly dependable friends! 

In the interest of privacy, I will only use first names or nicknames for the people you will be meeting in the my future posts on this blog.   I will also try and cover just one or two subjects in each post, so that our adventures will make more sense.   Tomorrow you will meet Julie and see some of our specific adventures!

In the following days and future posts, I am going to try and post some photos that will give you a sense of how people live, share, thrive, and survive in Slab City, about 4 miles out into the desert outside of Niland, California!  .........and extra photos to share a sense of 'life' in Slab City!

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