MEET THE SLAB CITY DOG GANG! ........ A few of them!
Sometimes Angel ran around with her 'twin' or followed the people riding mules down the street! Angel 'gets around'! spite of her owners' efforts to keep her at home. She's a very well 'socialized' dog!
Sometimes Angel ran around with her 'twin' or followed the people riding mules down the street! Angel 'gets around'! spite of her owners' efforts to keep her at home. She's a very well 'socialized' dog!
Maybe it's time to take a good look at some of the 'slab dogs' we met! The second dog we met was 'Angel'. Angel had lost her previous owner, but was quickly adopted by another 'friends of the owner' type of people who already knew "Angel was Special". Everyone had Angel well trained. Seems that Seann even came to Slab City 'armed' with a huge bag of bones! Angel loved everyone, but she knew where to find Seann! Angel also liked my CHAIR! "A Dog's Life"
Angel really DID prefer my 'Texas' chair for snuggling up around the fire after the sun goes down!
You'll see Angel in many other photos, too!
Obviously life in Slab City is pretty relaxed! Why can't 2 dogs have a good wrestling match on the floor in The Haven?? No one seemed to care, but just watched the immodest pup playing happily.
Some were 'guard dogs', but most dogs just needed guarded, so they could stay 'safe', because there could always be an unexpected accident happen to a sweet dog!
In general, Slab City dogs understand their role, and take it seriously. It was my impression that they should 'guard the home front' around their owner's camp. Otherwise, they are expected to be sociable, polite, and be peaceful.
Sometimes, on the narrow roads, a dog can cause a traffic jam, especially when a large motor home encounters a mule, a man, a woman, and a dog, all going in different directions. Towns like Slab City rarely give much thought to traffic congestion :-)
Then, there are the bird hunters below who bring their dogs to the area to hunt birds, like the one below! The young man had driven to the area from the coast of California to look for some good hunting with his dog.
Those who live, love, and treasure their time in Slab City often find it a nice, quiet, and suitable resting place when their beloved dogs cross over the Rainbow Bridge!
Here you will see many of those beloved pets who are buried here, still treasured and remembered! It's a peaceful land here, not soon to be congested or disturbed by automation, electronics, or the madness of 'progress'. Instead the pets will only hear the patter of humans coming once again to pay respect to their pet, and the occasional jet plane or bomb 'pop' from the nearby testing grounds! But those sounds won't be anything 'new', ...... just comforting and familiar!
And ........... in the evening, there is a sunset, a campfire, and a big shiny moon!
Oh, I just love this post about Slab City dogs. I haven't been there yet but will in the future with my little girls, Cricket and Lucky. I understand, it is constant to keep little dogs safe.